"Time's Indifferent March"
I, Time, witness all, from dawn till dusk,
Empires rise, and crumble, like the dust.
I see the mighty, in their prime, so bold,
Their legacy, a fleeting dream, soon to grow old.
I walk among the ruins, where giants once did stride,
Their bones, a testament to my relentless tide.
I reduce the strongest, to mere memories of the past,
Their dreams, like sand, slipping through my grasp.
You, too, will perish, like the rest, in time,
Your name, a whisper, lost in the chime.
Your fears, your hopes, your joys, all will fade,
As I, Time, continue my march, unafraid.
This world, a stage, where actors come and go,
Their roles, a brief moment, in my eternal show.
It belongs not to you, nor those who came before,
But to the one, yet to come, who will walk, forever more.
I, Time, am the great leveler, the ultimate decree,
I bring all things to naught, but also set the stage free.
So, mortal, do not boast, of your fleeting might,
For I, Time, will reduce you, to the darkness of night.