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Guo Nian (Chinese New Year 2025)

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Nian was the ferocious, underwater beast.

It came to destruct, to murder and feast.

At New Year it rose from its hiding place.

With its dog like body, and a lion like face.


Nian raided villages, with its deadly greed.

On animals and children, Nian would feed.

An old man appeared, and to villagers said.

‘Nian feared loud noises and the colour red’


This man was strange, with piercing eyes.

He dressed like a beggar, and told no lies.

He walked with a stick, he had silvery hair.

He had a sense of wisdom that filled the air.


So, villagers wore red, loud drums to bang.

Fire crackers to light…red lanterns to hang.

Villagers danced in costume, with red attire.

Scaring Nian away, with their noise and fire.


◄ Evil Monster

'Baby Bear' ►


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