Second Chances
Second Chances
Her smile set my mind adrift,
Fueling feelings, long ago held captive.
Released chains that held fate anchored.
Freedom, once a scary thought, now active.
Our eyes locked and passion kindled.
Flushing blood; yearnings to the fore.
Pupils, in full dilation, seldom lie.
Breathing quickened, pulses more.
Her voice, in melodic harmony,
Summoned heavenly choir to my ears.
Radiant songs of care abandoned,
Shed responsibility borne for years.
Our conversation barely mattered,
Only shared sensation it brought both.
Words of truth shone through the fog,
Mutual honesty became our oath.
Her past was never tranquil,
And sorrow had come and gone.
Misfortune drew us together,
Giving us each other to count on.
Our future is confirmed by love,
More tender now, than in its youth.
Hearts entwined forever,
Second chances changed our truth.