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How Much Love

If I love you with the fierceness of a hurricane,

will that be enough to save you from life's fury?

If I love you with the wildness of a blazing fire,

will that be enough to shelter you from life's despair?

Can the depth of my love carry you over life's mountains and lift you from life's valleys?

Can the breadth of my love release you from all life's pain and sorrow?

Can I love you so much that your days are filled with only laughter and joy?

Alas, the wild love I lay at your feet is but an offering,

like a bird laid by an eager hunting dog at the feet of its master.

And so I lay my love at your feet.

The rest is up to you--

you, my most cherished love.


◄ Evolution of the Species


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Tom Doolan

Sun 2nd Feb 2025 20:49

🫂 💕

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