We sour, in the throes of some disaster
of our own demoralised unmaking,
abjectly pining for lord and master,
with crown, throne and sceptre for the taking
if they would but lead us to salvation
and make us strong again. We want the myth,
we crave security for our nation,
the ruthless rule of law they'd hold us with;
we'd sell our freedom cheaply for the chance
to pretend that our world is still secure
in the iron grip of their grasping hands;
but what would we be left with? We'd be poor
of spirit, a peon state, a broken
realm, our freedom valued at a token.
M. Peacock 9225
(Recent polls reveal that a) 1 in 5 people prefer autocratic rule to democracy; and that b) Farage's Reform is currently more popular than the Labour gov't.)