The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 49 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


David Rodinsky was a reclusive Jewish autodidact who vanished in the 1960s. His room was found undisturbed 20 years later.

Shifting shades afflict the ghost of David Rodinsky
As he returns to his room in Whitechapel, London
For one last look at the Aramaic and Hebrew texts
Which provided him with the hex of disappearance.
Where he came from nobody knows. Was he Jewish?
Yes and no. Was he British? Who knows? Not he.
Certainly, he lived here once: ate, slept, defecated.
Until 1969 when he took time in hand, walked out
Of his room, leaving all behind, and never returned,
Until now. A shy ghost wondering what to look for.
Kabbalah was his A to Z, he followed and then he lead
himself out of the strange interstices of time and
space. He was always too early, always too late.
His story of obsession, possession, incomplete.














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