The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 46 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Dear Mr Musk,

You recently invited me to bullet-point my accomplishments for the past week.

Herewith my most noteworthy achievements.

  • On Monday I was late – I'd left my clock upon the shelf; but on the plus side like a grown-up washed and dressed myself

  • Tuesday was a better day – I cannot tell a lie; egg and chips for dinner, though I spilled it down my tie

  • On Wednesday it was busy – the phone never ceased to ring; so I slammed it in its cradle and I broke the fucking thing

  • Mid-morning on the Thursday I had so big a shit that The Guinness Book of Records want to take a look at it

  • And everybody knows that Friday's POET'S DAY; that's “PISS OFF EARLY” Elon Musk, “TOMORROW'S SATURDAY”

Your obedient servant,

etc etc etc.



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