Down the Pub
By the Urban Poet
“Going down the pub darling”
“For what reason?”
“It’s the football season
and I want to see my mates
To discuss some dates
of the games and stuff”
“I’ve had enough
You’re not going”
“Oh stop moaning
I’m only having the one”
“You mean one too many
Well you’re not having any
‘cos you’re staying in”
“Oh stop your din
I’m getting my coat”
“If you do, I’ll have your throat”
and your guts for garters
That’s just for starters”
“Chill out babe
I won’t be late”
“No! you won’t”
C’os the kids are in bed
and I’m going to the bloody pub instead”.
From the book ‘Rhymes and Reasons’
By ‘Rick Varden