The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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Foolish Crowd

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There are a lot of mysteries, anomalies and such,

things that seem to have no explanation why they are.

One of these (above the rest) that makes me wonder much -

is how the foolish crowd is made of people who are far


from being foolish on their own. Yes, people who are good.

Yet somehow when they’re in a group, mysteriously they change.

It’s something I suppose just really can’t be understood.

Yeah, something that is general and it’s nothing short of strange.


For every group of size (the more there are, the more it’s true)

is full of gossip, foolishness, and cold judgmental spite.

The group does things that what its members on their own would rue.

Collectively I guess they lose their sense of wrong and right.


And this anomaly has been the case throughout all time.

It’s something that will surely drag you down, if it’s allowed.

So maybe it is time to get yourself out of that line,

and make sure that you’re never part… of the foolish crowd.



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