The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Worse Things Happen at Sea

Worse Things Happen at Sea


I knew my love would grow and grow,

When I saw her on that pedalo.

Calves of steel and thighs so mighty,

She soon became my Aphrodite.

A bow wave heralded that craft,

Powered by an enormous aft.

Swimmers scrambled in disbelief,

As from her tsunami they sought relief.

The fast-approaching beach prepared for landing,

And then I started understanding,

The sense of urgency and lightning speed.

It seemed my goddess was in need.

Today’s paella had a disastrous effect,

Her digestive system, it had wrecked.

Its inevitable path toward the exit,

Was about to leave her paddling in …

Her indulgence in the local cuisine

Had nobbled my new-crowned Queen.

Nothing about this voyage had gone as planned,

And she had to offload her cargo in the sand.

I offered my help to cover any mess,

As her predicament had caused distress.

Her shining knight I had become,

And we used my towel to cover her bum.


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Robert Mann

Thu 27th Feb 2025 12:49

Sounds like Les Dawson is still alive and well. 😁😂

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Thu 27th Feb 2025 12:10

Little would you have guessed that I had planned for your question being included in your reply Robert
forklift hire in case there happened to be any excessively portly ladies needing to be hoisted out of the way so the tide could come in 😅

my sneaky way of getting a well hammered joke in


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Robert Mann

Thu 27th Feb 2025 11:09

Many thanks Tom - what would I use the forklift for exactly? 😕

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Thu 27th Feb 2025 10:48

😅😅😅😅 so cleverly comical Rob 😅😅😅😅

hiring a forklift isn't that expensive you know R.M. 😅
your earlier WOL talents have come to the fore once more!

cheers matey 👍

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