Making A Deal With The Devil
Well, you’ve had a glimpse of heaven and it’s opened your mind,
Now let’s get back to earth where the deaf lead the blind.
On our ancient shores there’s much confusion
With human detritus in much profusion,
Migrants, floods and industrial pollution
In our virgin rivers, lakes and oceans.
With social unrest and wild forest fires,
There’s cyber warfare and chemical weapons,
Viral pandemics and nuclear disasters
Threaten our world with their contagions.
Now we’re livin’ in a world, for what it’s worth,
Of the filthy rich and the scum of the earth.
There’s no middle way or underclass,
No in-between, it’s a dog eat God,
If you know what I mean?
There’s a Czar for this and a mayor for that.
Pulling crackers for their paper hat,
With their cover-ups and backdoor deals
It’s really self interest on steroid wheels.
We have lost our faith and our good intentions
To the paedophile priests and the dollar magicians.
Who can sow false doubts or cast a spell
Now our heaven on earth is a livin’ Hell!
There’s no shortage of demons seeking to sue,
There’s Lucifer, Belphegor and Sozul too!
You’ve got thousands of followers fawning at you
Hope you go viral on the social media zoo.
While media vultures circle above
They feed off the carcass of faith, hope and love.
Hacking your email and mobile phones
Stripping the flesh from your feeble bones.
To the media moguls mining my data
“You can keep your cookies and your sweet potata.”
Conspiracy theories and challenging views
At the end of the day it’s all fake news.
Our hopes and dreams have now been dashed
Or so it seems where the warmongers clashed.
The dial has turned, the wicks gone out,
Welcome the darkness, now live with the doubt.