One Prayer
I’ve only got one heart Lord, make it true give me the strength and the faith to trust in you.
Help me to see, help me to find a way to walk with you on this road I’m on.
I have only got one mind Lord to think things through the best is yet to come may our prayers the past re new.
Help us in darkness to look to the light your love will give us freedom from the anger and the fight.
From darkness light may guide us as moon and stars unfold a path forever blessed in our hearts and in our souls.
help us to see help us to find your path of love to follow for now and for all time.
If our aim is true to fulfil our destiny as Jesus Christ proclaimed: ‘Ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free’.
Give us the wisdom in our souls as once before to share our lands together in a world without war.
One soul; One peace; One life one goal. One life; One hope; One peace One love.