The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 36 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Song to Sister Moon

The moon is calling out to me 

in a blast of cold night air,

her beams are reaching out for me 

in an embrace of sweet ascent.

What is it about sister moon

that calls to us as she governs her starry children?

Is it the invitation of her far away, unreachable glide?

Or perhaps it's the coolness of her deep, distant silence.

Whatever it may be that lures us to reach up to her,

I say shine! shine! shine! oh celestial madame,

your beauty enthralls me as I bathe in the mysteries of your dark unfathomable domain,

your wisdom illuminates me

as a contemplate your quiet,  limitless refrain.

Shine! shine! shine! oh sister moon,

on me, your humble, awestruck admirer.



◄ Maybe

Inextinguishable ►


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