The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.


A refugee is someone who survived


When my broken heart beats ever faster,
when my eyes, unbidden, fill with tears
and my memory skips back to the truths
of childhood fears— the bullying and violence— 
I seem to hear the music of the spheres
drawing me closer, whispering how the fault
tumbles down the generations, infects the years.
My father, an orphan in the 30s, beaten & abused
by those he thought would protect him.
Every country has its Nazis, enforcing 
an inhuman conformity, self-satisfied
sadists who delight in causing suffering.
We come to dread the moment when the daylight 
starts, of  unkept promises and broken hearts.










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David RL Moore

Tue 4th Mar 2025 06:11

Hi John,

I couldn't sleep tonight...I came to my screen and read this.

We are in the same bandwidth of despair and near surrender, it is some strange comfort to know mine is not the only sleepless night.

Thanks John,


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Landi Cruz

Tue 4th Mar 2025 02:16

The world has a way of passing down generational trauma in spite of the freshness of youth...'s a wonder I don't wish to understand.

great song )

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