The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

Dimension vacations

A breakthrough my lover and me
We took on a challenge ,then picked up a key

As it turned.. the door unlocked 
Eyes locked, it felt like time stopped
The penny dropped 

We entered another world
A world of endless ideas in transition, preparing for fruition 
Access earned through completing a mission 
Higher power attuned..was God's decision 
A voice said ..Listen 

The answer will present itself to you in the far away ocean 
Acknowledgement of devotion 
The ability to sense the blood hungry sharks
Before they do us 
Preventing unnecessary commotion 

Shhh stay quiet ..avoid creating ripples 
At present, be invisible 
Never impossible 
We still have a few more dimensions to unlock..
Oh to be "normal" now that actually scares me 
The normal they curse me 
I reflect onto them their intentions 
In essence they strike themselves 
Oh what fools 


Dimensioncodepoetic love story

◄ Caribbean Magic

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