The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 26 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

dregs of self

a mind that resides in a black cave of nothingness

a withering soul trembling on the brink of spiritual sanity

eyes that cannot or prefer not to move behind their fleshy shutters


wrapped in despair a thought wasted of colour is flown

to wherever nowhere will not allow it to land

and between his heaven and hell his life shrinks

till there is none left in it of any worth except

the inclusion of a bridge to nothing but an empty world

that neither he nor I would ever want to cross 


â—„ grounded

Bringing smiles home â–º


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Sat 15th Mar 2025 16:54

I wonder what it must be like to end up in this frame of mind?
-doesn't bear thinking about but does require pitying those who do.

Thank you Hugh
Thank you Holden
Thank you Red'
Thank you Manish
Thank you Nigel

best of regards guys.


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