The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 27 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

With All Our Girls And Boys, Friends.

He has a girlfriend, une copine. A showroom model to be seen. She speaks her accent fluent. Now his life's grammatically congruent.

They walk together. With pleasant weather. And talk about what doesn't matter. And one day they'll perform their porn. To confiscate all lives unborn.

She has a girlfriend, une copine. A no-room model to be seen. They speak their accents fluent. And their lives grammatically congruent.

HeĀ also has a boyfriend. But marriage is not done. Thank God they rhyme, they've got the time! And God it's all 'bout fun!

With all our girls and boys, friends. With all congruent lies. I think it's time for pornic rhyme and marry our demise.


With All Our Girls And BoysFriends.

◄ A Hundred Years From Now (Looking Back On My Life)


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