The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

Once I found a silver sixpence

One day as I was walking home

From St Francis of Assisi school

A little boy of eight or nine

I said a little prayer to up above

“Dear Jesus, Mary, and Joseph too,

please let me find a silver sixpence

so I can buy some fruity chews,

and perhaps some black jacks too”

Now I said this more

In hope than expectation

But imagine my surprise

Glee, and exultation

When I saw clearly

On the pavement down below

One shiny, silver sixpence

Which I knew was meant for me

And headed for the sweet shop

To fill my pockets

With fruity chews

And blackjacks too

And I said another prayer

Of thanks and gratitude

To Jesus, Mary, and Joseph too

For I truly believed

In all the dogma I had learnt

From priests, and teachers

And especially my mum

Now I must confess

(as is the Catholic way)

That I am now somewhat older

And maybe just a wee bit wiser

But I will always remember

The day I said a prayer

To Jesus, Mary, and Joseph too

And found on the pavement

A shiny, silver sixpence

Nicholas O'Farrell 2025



◄ When all else is gone



Sun 23rd Mar 2025 20:25

Thanks Helene, and it is all true - I am now 65 and this happened exactly as the poem says, when I was 8 or 9. I’m definitely lapsed now, but you never totally escape what dominated your life for so many years 😉

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Sun 23rd Mar 2025 12:34

Raised a Catholic, I love this poem! Sweet and endearing. Now that I am an old lady (I call myself a "spiritual explorer," no more dogma for me), many a time I still use that wonderful refrain "Jesus, Mary, Joseph." I really enjoyed this poem, Nicholas.

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