The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Smokin Dreams.......

entry picture
Oh how your words come in me when you exhale Each time you blow I sway a little Outside these potion, smokin, dreams you keep me waiting Here, in the hope I’ll score the highs I’m craving So I’ll forever chase the flame to burn and be with you Where buds of souls crystalize and become stronger I’m back again to get my daily fix from you This soul is weak and could not hold on any longer

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<Deleted User> (5646)

Mon 26th May 2008 16:58

Hello again, your profile mentions that you paint.
Is the picture entered one of your own?
It truly captures a soul, entering the light with help from the angels of the night.

darren thomas

Mon 26th May 2008 13:47

On one level it appears that 'drugs' are the insipration for words and creativity and on another level it could be that perhaps the 'words' are the tools with which you empower yourself. I like it. Although to be frank, I seem to enjoy much of what you write. It's all very enjoyable because it's not one dimensional. Fan - tas - ic.

<Deleted User> (5646)

Mon 26th May 2008 11:11

You touched my heart and made me cry, bringing a lump to my throat. so now i want to run and hide so no-one else will see.

It's lovely Alison, Janet.

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