The Eighty Eight Handshake
Affectionate and shapely fingers, forking fast but sometimes falling feline,
half asleep,
make ten places, cold and white, come to state and then reverberate,
a peaking zephyr with plaiting hands,
friends with the dark pools of fish and kings,
kelp beards and pearl girls,
trident chords,
Oh go, supple pounce! Into the finger cut - the mighty cradle of teeth, and cantillate;
stirring up the sounds in a soup of hoof and gale, the whistling wing of a bird shot,
and the heap of a lover’s love of love,
and make a fallen shoulder of me in the wake of your mouth’s width;
the hit, hit, hit
the tight rope holding
me so
on this precipice;
the sharp angle,
flattening my breath with wild sounds
and pressed black flowers.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Thu 9th Sep 2010 21:31
Well, Jo has fallen completely under the spell of your amazing poetry, Marianne, - excellent taste on her part. 'trident chords' is superb in the 'sea' context'. The whole work sings with verbal beauty as you express your expansive ideas.