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Falls And Flights

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From the sky to the land,

It’s so painful!

First thought:


It’s the last flight!

But then again

we look at the sky

and wish to fly.

This is our human nature.

We forget about danger

and again look for adventure.

We are strange, strong and weak,

something more we seek.

As only the wounds heal

 we again feel to fly

up to the sky,

surprising God with our wish

that flourish and vanish.

We believe only in a good dream

after so many falls and anguish.

We have not enough life,

we have not enough sky,

we have not enough time, and it flies.

Thousand times we make new tries

and…after all

start from the very beginning,

looking for a new sporting.

This is the rotation of life:

falls and flights,

up to the end

my dearest friend.



Larisa R (Odessa, Ukraine)


◄ I Am Laura's Stomach

When I Was Going Home ►


<Deleted User> (7789)

Thu 9th Sep 2010 16:55

Hi Larisa

it’s not a deal,

as we again feel to fly

these lines don't sound like conversational English - in other words, English people wouldn't use those exact words, but of course poetry doesn't have to be conversational or exactly as a phrase would normally be written. With the same point in mind, I'm not sure whether you would ever see 'anguishes' - it's usually just 'anguish' even when its plural. But again the rules of normal language can be broken in poetry!

I enjoyed the poem and certainly I had no problem in understanding any of the lines in it!

<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 9th Sep 2010 00:29

Hi again Lovely Lady-wow! you are kind!ok I will do my best to help you-but you are just as good as I am-probably better-and lots of other much better poets on here will always look out for your occasional little mistakes-but nevertheless I will do my best for you-let me say though, I think you have done extremely well,up to now-for sure! on this poem,personally I would still say

'we have not enough time
and time flies'
on the other hand you could possibly be trying to say'we have no time for the small things in life maybe? let me know-I,ll go and put a new brain in-in the meantime-lol! lots of Love to you wonderful Lady-thank you for very nice comments-I really appreciate them-Stefan-(see you in the morning-have a peaceful night-xx(M-xx)

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 8th Sep 2010 22:37

Stefan! You've become my dearest and the best friend here. It's really strange, we may never meet, but... I will always remember that you were the first one who greeted me here on this site. Please, do me a favor! Write critical comments on my poems. English is not my native language and sometimes I don't feel some words, some phrases

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 8th Sep 2010 22:12

Good evening lovely Odessa Lady! absolutely brilliant poem-and picture-can I respectfully suggest to you Larisa to change the line...'we have not enough time and flies to 'we have not enough time and time flies'I think thats probably what you intended to put but like us all,made a tiny mistake? lots of loveStefan-xx(M-xx)ps-lovely title indeed-too!

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