The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

The Petrel And The Penguin

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The proud petrel

with strong mettle

flew over the sea.

Throwing his litters on the rocks

he watched the clumsy penguin’s walks.

The stupid penguin looked at the sky.

How much he wished to fly!

He had  heard

he was also a bird.

If he could fly

he would proudly throw his litter

from the bird’s eye.


The moral of this song:

Remember to what kind of bird you belong.

Am I right?

A bird is known by its  flight.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska


◄ The 31st of October

Your Eyes ►


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Fri 5th Nov 2010 23:43

Larisa, I been an ugly duckling in the past (some gits would argue I still am), anyway, needles to say my bird is The Swan, for many reasons. I have travelled and been around a bit, just like The Swan, and my old units emblem, is the Swan. I like the verse, if i was to believe i was a penguin, i would not have jumped from planes and dived so gracefully. Anyway, I am waffling, but thanks for the tip off. Maybe soon my wife and I can grace the skies with flight to far off places again. And I can reclaim my wings.

Just when I was beginning to think I was demoted to a sparrow, you put things in perspective for me.

Nice one again

stay well


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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Fri 5th Nov 2010 20:34

No, my dear! I didn't mean "rubbish", I meant "litter". But! If "rubbish" and "litter" are synonyms then it's ok.
By the way, you have a very good memory. looks as you are very much interested in my poems. Come on! Read the rest!

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