The Charibdis Effect
Mid-way between life and death
I drift into myth and legend
Glide over the Messini Straits
The blood of Zeus
drips from his hands
swelling black clouds
curdling the sky with purple fingers
in the red of a rising sun
and I hear the screams of dying men
as their heaving groaning ships sink
in Charibdes whirlpool
swirling ... swirling
swirling to the depths of her imagination
and I am blown away
in a whisper of her outward breath
the voice of a nymph seems to say
down sucker down
Larisa Rzhepishevska
Fri 26th Nov 2010 18:23
Hi, Janet! This poem of yours is so beautiful. I love it from the very beginning up to the end. With warmest wishes, Larisa