Hi folks,
I will be doing the following events/open-mics this week! Come down and check it out!
Tuesday 30th November
The Horse and Groom
28 Curtain Road
London EC2A 3NZ
Nearest tube/rail: Liverpool Street
Maplink: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode&q=EC2A+3NZ&sll=37.0625%2C-95.677068&sspn=30.048013%2C54.667969&ie=UTF8&hq&hnear=London+EC2A+3NZ%2C+United+Kingdom&z=15
Gig Starts: 7pm (sign-up for the open-mic)
Entry fee: £5/£4 Facebook Guest List
This is another great night with short films and poetry open-mic!
Wednesday 1st December - FEATURED SLOT
A Spoonful of Poison
The Lion
132 Church Street
Stoke Newington
London N16 0JX
Nearest tube/rail: Stoke Newington
Maplink: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode&q=N16+0JX&sll=37.0625%2C-95.677068&sspn=30.048013%2C54.667969&ie=UTF8&hq&hnear=London+N16+0JX%2C+United+Kingdom&z=15
Gig Starts: 7pm (Sign-up time, actual start time is 8pm)
Entry is free
This is a fantastic all-out music and spoken word open-mic night hosted by the eponymous Vis the Spoon. If you're in Stoke Newington, why not swing by and take the mic yourself?
Friday 3rd December
Intimates Poetry Night
Poetry Cafe
22 Betterton Street
Covent Garden
Nearest tube/rail: Covent Garden/Holborn
Maplink: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode&q=WC2H+9BX&sll=37.0625%2C-95.677068&sspn=30.048013%2C54.667969&ie=UTF8&hq&hnear=London+WC2H+9BX%2C+United+Kingdom&z=15
Gig starts: 8:30pm
Entry Fee: £4
This is a great night with featured poets, music and word games plus an in-depth discussion with the featured poets looking at what motivates them and their work. Come on down and check it out!