On the right foot
I’ll put on a boot.
On the left foot
I’ll put on a shoe.
For you to see
That I am nervous.
-Why did you marry?
-Had no life experience.
-Why did you divorce?
-Had no patience.
-Why did you marry again?
-Have lost my memory.
John, will you offend me?
-Offend? You? Never!
I never offend women.
-But if I do something wrong?
-I’ll kill you.
Why should I offend you?
You are my pride
Which I would like
Somewhere to hide.
I could send you somewhere
But now I can tell you, if you care;
You have just come from there.
The things you could do today
You can do the day after tomorrow
And without any sorrow
You’ll have two days of rest.
She doesn’t like the sea food,
She likes the sea of food.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska
23rd of January,2011
Larisa Rzhepishevska
Mon 24th Jan 2011 16:50
Hi, dear Ann! As far as I've already explained "Rzhepicks" come from my surname Rzhepishevska. If your surname is Foxglove then they have to be Foxglovicks. lol