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Peak Oil Film Reviews

These are a couple of films I have recently seen on Peak Oil - check them out if you can.


The End of Suburbia (2004)

Directed by Gregory Greene

A chilling look at what seems to be the imminent demis of the American Dream, the movie examines the origins of modern suburbia and how that way of life, powered by cheap energy, is now threatened by the coming oil crash.

Central to this argument is the concept of peak oil - the fact that the world's recoverable resources of oil have peaked and are now in decline. Combined with a growing world population, this is a recipe for disaster. The oil crash will come in the next few years when demand for oil (and natural gas) outstrips supply.

The film features a number of well-informed authors and experts including James Howard Kunstler, Micheal Ruppert and Richard Heinberg. They describe a future America made up of localised regions where people grow their own food and are responsible for their own energy.

A persuasive film, brilliantly argued, this needs to be seen in the US and here in Britain where we will face similar problems.


The Power of Community - How Cuba Survived Peak Oil (2006)

Directed by Faith Morgan

This film begins with a short history of peak oil and describes how Cuba survived the collapse of the US, known to the inhabitants as the special period between 1989 and 1993.

They developed organic food and farming methods that sustained their population and was respectful of nature. Petroleum and gas-based chemicals (which harm the environment) are no longer used in Cuba. Cars have been replaced with the horse and cart, along with bicycles and they use solar panels and sugar mills to generate electricity. Their changed habits improved people's health, resulted in greater education as well as affirming their sense of community. 

This is an excellent film, with Cuba providing a positive example of how to live in a powered down society.

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