January 2011 Stats
Here are the stats for January 2011.
* 4,069 registered members
* 1.9 million hits
* 3,094 log-ins to the site - a record!!!
* 142 new events put on gig guide
* 106 events updated on gig guide
* 15 poets added their profiles to the Poets' Showcase
* 855 Poets are now on the Showcase
* 194 poets' profiles where updated on the showcase
* 3,110 ‘comments’ were made - a record!!!
* 592 Blogs were made - a record!!!
Ann Foxglove
Wed 2nd Feb 2011 08:07
Ah, just when you were telling us all how multi-blogging was so offputting for visitors to the site! WOL seems to be very popular in fact. Nearly 2 squillion hits. But I guess you can always say that they all came only once! (Sorry - couldn't help meself!!) xxxxxxxxx