Submissions Wanted!
What we want
Write Out Quiet does not publish a lot of poetry, and most of that which we do put out there will either be messed with in some way, critiqued unflinchingly or reproduced in partial quotation only in order to illustrate a point made in an article.
Most of our output is in the form of articles and reviews. We are also keen to publish your views on both the ezine itself and poetry issues in general in our letters page, together with any amusing problems you’d like to share with us for the attention of Sympathetic Sibyl.
Article submissions should be sent to the editor: Please include the name of the regular feature (e.g. Tripping) that you are submitting to in the subject header. Email subject headers should be set out as follows:
[Article Submission] feature
For example, [Article Submission] What I do that’s new
Articles submissions should be between 500 and 1000 words, and your name and the word count must appear in the top left hand corner of the first page.
Articles should be formatted in Word 97-2003 document (doc) or rich text format (rtf).
Please ensure that your submission is properly checked for grammar, spelling and punctuation before sending.
Please make sure that you have read a few examples of previous articles in the feature that you are submitting to (it’s free and readily available online) before writing your article.
Preference will be given to articles that are succinct, well-researched, informative and written in an engaging “voice” with an undercurrent of sardonic humour.
Reviews for Write Club will only be accepted if the reviewer is highlighting the good points of the poem under review as well as giving a well informed appraisal of areas for improvement. Remember that readers of this feature will be judging your skills as a reviewer just as much as they are judging the skills of the poet, so make sure you have read up a little on poetics theories as well as the subject matter of the poem.
Please submit no more than one poem in any given month. Submissions can be sent to the editor:
The poetry jam feature is multimedia, so please submit your poems in both audio (.wav) and Word 97-2003 document (doc) or rich text format (rtf). Remember to include your name in both media files.
We want your opinions on both the ezine itself and everything that is happening in the poetry world. We also want to read your poetry problems and to laugh at them.
Dear Dermot is our letters to the editor feature. Please send your considered opinions to dermot@writeoutloud.netwith the subject header [Dear Dermot]. Preference will be given to letters that are concise, witty, legible and cleverly argued.
Sympathetic Sybil is our problem page. Please send your difficulties with poetic form, performance anxiety, imagery crafting, etc to Alternatively, why not tell us how rubbish you are at coping with life in a haiku, a sonnet or a dirty limerick and Sybil will be happy to sort you out.