Hi gang,
Here are my latest gigs! Please come along and enjoy!
Thursday 3rd February
A Spoonful of Poison
The Urban Bar
176 Whitechapel Road
E1 1BJ
Maplink: http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=51.52246163858934%7E-0.057306066155433655&lvl=15&dir=0&sty=c&eo=0&where1=E1+1BJ%2C+London&q=E1+1BJ
Gig starts: 8pm
Entry is free
Friday 4th February
Poetry Cafe
22 Betterton Street
Maplink: http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=51.51749006432411%7E-0.12409105896949768&lvl=15&dir=0&sty=c&eo=1&where1=WC2H+9BX%2C+Camden&q=WC2H+9BX
Gig starts: 8pm
Entry: £4
Hosted by Kat Francois
Monday 7th February
Spark London
Canal Cafe Theatre
Delamere Terrace
W2 6ND
Maplink: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode&time&date&ttype&q=canal+cafe+theatre&sll=51.492518%2C-0.258525&sspn=0.012852%2C0.029182&ie=UTF8&om=1&source=embed&hq=canal+cafe+theatre&hnear&ll=51.528984%2C-0.180416&spn=0.003791%2C0.017767&z=14&iwloc=A
Gig starts at 7:30
It's my first storytelling gig and is completely sold out!
<Deleted User> (8730)
Thu 3rd Feb 2011 09:25
I am doing Durham Waddington Street tonite, Crook Football Club tomorrow nite and Radio Tees on saturday morning.
Please advise how to book Covent garden cafe for a gig.
And good luck with yours.