Freedom's yoke
Fourth of July, old anniversary
Of independence from the British rule
With similar feelings in Zimbabwe
Yes, colonisation it sure ain’t cool
But freedom brings responsibility
The kind that we all face when leaving school
When left to ourselves we can’t always see
What our next move should be, and can be fooled
By short-term gain, paid for expensively
In later years, as long-term debt accrual
Devours that freedom, causes enmity
And hardship, civil war, long-running duel
Between future wealth and immediacy
Yes, freedom often is a tarnished jewel
clarissa mckone
Mon 7th Jul 2008 18:48
Hi Antonio, they both belong to the tri lateral commision. Both for keeping the federal reserve.They both dont want to uphold the laws of this country.They both support mass illegal migration to this country, because of this they undermine the ablitity of people to get a paying wage for work. They allso create a sub class of modern slaves, that live off the taxes of the rest, and work and live in sub standard conditions. They are createing a class war of un imaginable size. Kennedy tried to get rid of the federal reserve and was killed, the bill still stands unratified.They are both for globalization and the forced blending of three countrys, called NAFTA.
As for war ,more Americans have been killed along and near the border then in the 2 wars going on.There is a large group of illegals that have entered this country, that have an agenda called Aztlan, they are under educated and miss guided and violent.MS-13 the largest gang world wide and very violent, the original ones I believe were revolutionaries from El Salvador, have taken over large areas and are running illegal business and kill many.As long as you can run across the border and squat and push a baby out and become instant citizens, and get free health care and loans for homes and credit cards and free food etc, they will continue to cripple the economy. This free stuff is given almost exclusivly to them, thus creating more enmity and class problems with in society.Mccain will keep wars going, my bet is Obama wont be able to change that, even if elected.Obama will try and bring in socialized medicin, that will become a huge tax burden.WE are already in such debt that not any of them can make it right.With in the next 10 years 50% of the populace will retire and become pensioners. With no money to pay them, because of all the money going to pay foreign debt and keep the illegals in all their free stuff. Illegals dont pay taxes on wages. They send almost all their money back to Mexico. Next to oil in mexico the 2nd most money making business is american money mailed in.There are serious problems with either man in office.Neither man are true christians. Its easy to talk and make promises while running for office, its another to keep your word.The dollar will continue to fall, no matter who wins. ah I have gone on to long, sorry Antonio. But I think you can see a picture, its so broken, America the broken and its not going to be an easy fix.