Live at the Camden eye, London 1st May 2011
Due to health issues and more it is difficult for me to travel out and about, but I make myswelf do it. Its very important t me to spread the word and let others in my position see that sometimes we can do it. 1st May I appeared at The Camden Eye. This was my forth time at this RRRants run event. Like I was saying it takes it out of me, but not enough to stop me arranging to do more, thats the importance of voice. I read 'The Rock', 'Johns gone', 'But a man', 'The honesty of love and the ending of it' and 'our silence'. A HUGE thank you to Vikki for filming me... AGAIN, as well as all those who supported the performers on the night.
P.S. sorry I had to delete the earlier blog of this to re do it, because I had a problem with the other video I had uploaded to YouTube. Sorted now.
To find out more about me or what I do, please visit either (for my writing) or (for abuse issues and my writing).