Pleasured To The Max
Welcome Mr. Mosley
to my prison camp of pain.
Welcome to the dungeon,
our wicked lust domain.
Come with me while I just
shave your hairy arse.
So you feel the lick
of my leather whip
more sweetly
on your flesh.
Welcome Mr. Mosley.
I am so deep in love
with the 30K
you offered up
to be manacled today.
Achtung! Mein Herr
present to me
those fresh, pink cheeks
at once.
My trusty strap
will warm them up
ein, zwei, drei, vier, funf, sechs.
We have the formula for you
in banner headlines bright.
This footage with the Red Tops
will bring you your cli-Max.
<Deleted User> (4744)
Wed 16th Jul 2008 14:18
Formula 1 hasn't had this much publicy for years. I'm sure other organisations could benefit from the scandal. No need to be strapped for cash... now you can be strapped for publicity!
A good topical poem... well done.