The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

New Arrival


Like a knotted handkerchief,

Like a pit-bull pup.

My new baby, my new baby.

Blue skin, fat folds, bunched up.

My new baby, my new baby.

Like a slasher flick,

Like a trip gone wrong.

My new baby, my new baby.

Punch drunk, white walls,

Fucked up, so small.

My new baby, my new baby.


I’m interrupted, out of step.

My hips don’t swing when I walk anymore.

My new baby mewls, I tut, I sigh.

It calls to me, I’m tired, I cry.

I’m a milk machine,

I’m a beating heart,

I’m a pair of arms,

I’m somehow apart.


But like an extra head

She grows on me.

A new way of thinking,

New eyes to see.

New mummy speak,

I sing, I coo.

I wipe the sick

And sniff for poo.


Like a landlocked mermaid

I strap on some legs.

My new baby, my new baby.

Like a rising star,

Like a god to her,

Like Mother bloody Nature.

My new baby, my baby,




A Walk in the Park ►


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joe kozarzewski

Fri 3rd Jul 2015 16:47

This is very earthy and lovely. Even as a man I can empathise with the sentiment expressed in this poem

darren thomas

Tue 12th Aug 2008 15:17

I've seen this perormed at 'Under the Stairs' have I not Louise? You had a small bald doll with you. Either that or I was experiencing some remarkable outer-body experience?
You know I enjoy your stuff Louise. You were one of the few I had to seek out the dizzy heights of '8' from my well thumbed score cards.
Now, off with you. Dip your quill in the inks of life's joy.

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clarissa mckone

Wed 6th Aug 2008 05:05

HI Louise, this is great! Boy I remember those days, they do change and it seems better. Its like being on a never ending roller coaster, being a parent. Enjoy all of it, the good times are better and worth it all.great poem!

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Louise Fazackerley

Tue 5th Aug 2008 23:42

hiya jeff. yep, it's the one i did at 'poetry brew'. i'm a bit ambivalent about it myself- i think it's more for on the stage than on the page :-)

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Jeff Dawson

Tue 5th Aug 2008 22:24

Hi Louise, very nice, if its the same one that you did at wigan in the cafe, liked it then, Jeff

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