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When The Montauk Gales...

                                Giant tales from mighty sails have carved the sea ,

                                when the Montauk gales ...

                                It's the bottoms catch , that's what they seek

                               Out from the shallows , and into the deep

                               One callous capt'n , he cursed the foam

                               His nets were empty , his men longed for home

                               So he pounded the decks , with rage and worry

                               His senseless deeds stirred Montauk to fury

                               Sailors took fright , when he started to pray

                               With a rolling ship that would not obey

                               His faith in peril , their souls adrift

                               He remembered the One with the greatest gift

                               A fisher of men , who calmed the sea

                               Who'd cast His nets for you and me

                               And so by faith they lived the Almighty's hand

                               Washed ashore , and back to the land

                               To a place among the dunes , where a lighthouse shines

                               With a promise by God , to find their way home again ,

                               When the Montauk gales ...


Poem were I"m to be buried ...

◄ Graves Of The Lefties

A Patch Of Mint ►


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