Lost In the Sauce.
What is Expression
- a preoccupation communicated by language
uttering, an utterance
intonation bounded by inaudibility.
Hence what for Linguistics
- a scientific quantification of human language
disunited into categories not to mention context.
Where I call home, the gutter stays a float
violence is rocketing
still the fireworks are unseen.
The average age of each kid carrying is only / was 15
and while I sit pouring out my heart out to you,
chances are outside someone dies alone
pouring onto the pavement where they once played free.
Despite mindless violence,
only two per cent of those penalized by the justice system
were sent to custody to be educated.
Six out of ten cases never even reach court,
so a knife is not so oppressive
when you don't feel the force of it.
Wait 12 months, same shit
different day - faded away by the collision
of boredom and locked gates,
turning on anything
rather than your own thoughts.
We could start with a murder,
shocking details to wet the appetite
making you wonder what the worlds turned into.
A young dad-of-one stabbed to death in his own home
late Saturday night.
He was 26,
"He was a charismatic, lovely lad."
that is all we have left.
Still people preaching
kids did not act like that in my day.
Violence is human nature,
we, the context broke and shared out
between the beasts that show themselves.
Bounded, not by mouth
by wrists and moral imagination.
Mortality-rate is all we need to make ourselves understood.
Go to fined Bono, David Davis, Norman Brennan,
David Cameron or Malorie Blackman,
The Duchess and the Queen of all England;
Ask them to sign on,
raise six kids on estates plagued by rats only two feet away,
survive to £50 a week
eat, live and sleep away ambition
wishing for rain so we cannot see this place.
To break out this vicious circle of fear that has been building for a decade or more.
No one ever said this would be all we had.