The raging river runs all year round through the varied landscape,
hundreds of yards wide and a dozen deep, a lifeline of the planet.
Full of life, a river of life for the people who live by it and for nature herself.
Mankind uses this river as a source of food and power with his river boats.
He is often blind to the harm he can do, taking too much fish and polluting
the clear water with chemicals; he must be careful or nature could be harmed.
This river has a life energy and balance that can be so delicate with a small
eco-system right here in co-existence with man, his lifeline so full of necessity.
We should be grateful for this beauty and river, it can be a huge flood and massive
torrent raging so fast and doing much damage to mans’ fragile buildings.
In a quieter mood the river slows and meanders, a sleepy giant of power and nature.