Message Body
You're nearly fifty years of age, you have your gal of your dreams. You use your power love over her to bully her into submission. Tell me, do you feel a man? Getting her to cry and wish she was dead? Your beloved galfriend sent a fraught email to your enemy, The Manc. He's got your number and text you and tried to call you.
What do you think of that? She turns to me in her hour of need and I'm there for her because we're best friends. I'm not saying what I think of you but I do this poem, for you who're a cunt and don't to see my best friend. Be nice to her or else.
I called the ambulance after my best friend emailed me in distress. An overdose was the problem and she never felt well. Did the cops not see she was ill after they were called to her house, after she smashed it up? I'm sure it's his fault, her cunt of a boyfriend. He won't dare answer my calls.