York Poet Rose Drew named No. Nine in Top Twenty Individual Collections for 2011
And, of course, I cannot forget my own dear spouse...
York poet Rose Drew has been named No. nine in the Top Twenty Best Individual Collections of 2011 with her book Temporary Safety. Rose, who is widely published and who has won a number of awards for her work including the 2010 Malton Poetry Competition, is in demand for readings throughout England and North America. Her material is drawn from Motherhood, politics, death and above all, life, and she also draws from her experience as a Physical Anthropologist. Rose can be seen on TV looking into the lives of historical characters such as the Mary Rose Sailors, Amy Robarts, Captain Kidd and Joseph Merrick, the Elephant Man.
Purple Patch list: http://www.purplepatchpoetry.co.uk/bests2011.htm
Rose Drew: http://www.yorkspokenword.org.uk/html/your_hosts.html