The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Zombies Part 2


They wake up at 3AM!

They scribble and scrabble with chisels

And sometimes a pen.


They sniffle and snuffle in bags

To get their highs

Stale bread and half eaten chicken thighs.


They do their laundry; while we sleep:

Peeping from behind doors, cats eyes

On wooden floors.


Who are they? What do they want?


Wake up at 3AM

Join their world: Remember to bring a pen.


By Belinda Johnston - All poems are copyright of the original author

Permission is needed before using or performing another poets work.


◄ Constant

Zombies III ►


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Jeff Dawson

Fri 19th Sep 2008 14:31

Dear Peachy! Hi Belinda, I like pt 2 of your Zombies series, as you know I really liked pt 1, is there going to be a pt 3 conclusion to what the Zombies are doing, that would be good! cheers Jeff X

ps thanx for your comment on 'when I'm down' I wrote it a few months ago, and although still relevant its not as bad now, the poetry helps! Must try that Zazen stuff! I did wonder whether your poem was a state of mind or real life based on your zombie stuff! Know where you're coming from good to know you're okay!

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