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Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Glamour, Glamour, Glamour....

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Glamour, glamour, glamour!

Where does it come from?

What does it form?

At first I thought it comes from French.

But no! In Scottish is the wrench.

In old days it meant proper grammar,

Today it’s an eccentric drama,

It’s an alluring charm,

It intends to smarm.

They say: It’s a sophisticated life style,

No one cares if I give you a vile smile.

Wow! – I hear all around.

From Scottish comes this sound.

I finish my short story and…

Would like to give glory

To Celtic language and….

Close relative of Irish and Welsh.

I made an attempt some facts to refresh.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 4th of December, 2011


◄ The First, The Second, The Third



<Deleted User> (6315)

Tue 6th Dec 2011 07:38

Hiya Larisa :o)

I had a friend (many years ago) whose parents where from Sotland, but differing areas.

Her father was from Glasgow and had a very broad, thick accent whilst her mother was from Elgin and had a very soft lilting accent.

When listening to them together you would have thought they were from differnt countries!!

p.s. Is that you on the picture?..joke :o) x

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 5th Dec 2011 09:25

Hello, John!
Thank you very much for the comment. Actually I don't speak here about people's pronunciation but about the etymology of some words. I remember quite well the words of professor Higgins in "My Fair Lady": The French they don't care what they do actually as long as they pronounce it properly; the Scots and the Irish leave you close to tears; there even are places where English completely disappears. In America they haven't used it for years. And...the main words: This is what the British population calls an elementary education. So, it's the question of education. I've heard many Americans, Australians and so on and understood that all depends on your culture, intelligence and education. You could be from not English speaking country but your English would be so good that no one ever guess where you've come from.
As to Ukrainian it is very soft language. As Italian it sounds like music. The sounds of proper English I love so much.

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John Coopey

Mon 5th Dec 2011 00:07

Hello Larisa,
It's very interesting to hear how a Ukrainian hears the Scottish dialect. In some parts of Scotland the way they speak is almost unintelligible to an English person.
I once heard it said that English sounds like a glass of milk. French sounds like chocolate. German like a crunchy walnut. American English like bubblegum.
What would you say Ukrainian (or English) sounds like?

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