The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Don't Cut Her Wings!

entry picture


To clean her room

She uses a simple broom.

She is a nice girl,

All that she does shines like a pearl.


You have to be careful,

You have to be faithful.

She is an angel,

She is from a chapel.


Don’t try to gamble!

She is bashful.

She is brittle ,

She is beautiful.


She is a sample

Of a beautiful song.

She doesn’t know the lustful thong

She wears a neat dress.


This dress is not to impress

Or…bring any success,

But…to confess her confidence

Without any press.


Don’t try to cut her wings!

Only sorrow it brings.

Trying to find the way out

She will at first shout.


And then…without any doubt,

Will turn into a light cloud.

She’ll disappear in the sky,

To the eternity she’ll fly.


She wouldn’t tie herself with a snake,

And …for God’s sake,

Would love to break the rules,

Which were made for the fools.


And now I repeat again:

Don’t cut her wings!

Only sorrow it brings.

Only pain will remain.


Even an angel can turn into a hag

And drag anyone into a snag,

Into a knotty zigzag

With a red flag.


It’s the world of a mag!

Anyone here could be a swag.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska

The 11th of December, 2011



◄ Don't Cut Her Wings!

He is My Hero ►


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