The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

I Was Always Sure, Now I Am Not.

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I was always sure that….

Tomorrow will come.

I’ve heard it from my mum.

That was in old days.

Today those bright rays

Happened to be in a haze.


Today I am a little bit confused.

My childish insurance is reduced.


I am not sure in tomorrow.

I thank God if it doesn’t bring me sorrow.

I’ve stopped looking for the truth.

What’s the use?

All around is only lies,

I can’t find any compromise.


Who can tell me how to live?

Who can tell me whom to believe?


I came to the conclusion and….

I think I am not an exclusion,

In this mad and crazy world.

This confusion hurled an invocation

To the reality of modern life:

Be happy !Live today! Do not strive!


I would love to live, to survive

I can see now: There is no use to dive as...


You will not find anything on the bottom,

Only mud and silt,

You won’t find any balsam,

But only a feeling of a gilt.

Which was built today, but …not for tomorrow,

In absolutely different way.


The church bells are ringing, it’s good.

But…I am not singing, as …I am not understood.









◄ He is My Hero

Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! ►


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