The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.



There …where the taste of silence is strange and forgotten,

There ... where the pastel sky floats and is  underfoot,

There ...where  the streets are shivering in a foggy mood.

                           They need snow.


There … where the face of Earth is changing the poles,

There … where some kilometers of the rain are endless

There... where the ships  kiss  the sunset with their sails.

                            They need wind.


There … in the world of only words, where smiles are like tears,

There … where the flowers bloom in  dispassion,

There … where's the world of tired, exhausted passers-by

                             They need faith.


There … where the winters are so freezing,

There … where're so many wrong stitching.

There ... where's only darkness around

                              They need blaze.


There … where the women send  emails to the distant lovers

There … where trying to find the true love they failed.

There ... where misgiving  the whole life covers

                               They need happiness.


Is there a country where the sky is always blue?

Is there a place where everyone  is always happy and true?


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 28th of December, 2011


◄ Answer My Question, Please!



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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Thu 29th Dec 2011 09:21

Thank you very much Steve for commenting. I'll think about the final line in each verse.

steve mellor

Thu 29th Dec 2011 09:02

Hi Larisa
Like Lynn, I'm not particularly good at critique, and I HATE criticising the poetry of others.
If there is a weakness (for me) in your poem, it's that the final line in each verse, which I believe you intend to be the counterpoint, doesn't always counter all of the previous 3 lines

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 28th Dec 2011 23:27

Thank you so much my dear Lynn. It will certainly help. But... now I go to bed. It's too late here now: 1.27 a.m.

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Lynn Dye

Wed 28th Dec 2011 23:03

Hi again Larisa, I'm not very good as a critique, I can only say what I like, but I'll have a go...

I specially like the first 3 lines of first verse, but the fourth line doesn't seem to fit somehow. You could perhaps rhyme mood with brood, as though the roads are brooding... just a suggestion, it is your poem, not mine.

I like the ships kissing the sunset with their sails in the second verse.
And I like the third verse just as it is.

Hope this helps. xx

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Lynn Dye

Wed 28th Dec 2011 22:38

A lot of good lines in this, Larisa. x

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 28th Dec 2011 22:37

Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do me a favor and.... tell me your opinion,

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 28th Dec 2011 20:30

I'll think about this poem tomorrow.I am always in a hurry, that's why make a lot of mistakes.

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