The Abstract of Confusion
The Abstract of Confusion
What is an artist?
Who is an artist and who is not??
Perhaps we all be artists painting
The canvas, recording speech and words
And music,
Maybe, the artist is the round
Peg in the square hole,
Or the square peg for the round
Hole and I’m just passing time,
Chasing events that signify only
Disruptive lives of insecurity,
Maybe, if I pay Equity,
I become the artist that perhaps
I have no talent for but,
The meandering of inconsequential
Is lost as again I remain steadfast in my
Approach to who is, and who
Is forgotten within the ramblings
And tones – colour tones, of thought.
I am an artist I declare but then
So are you, if only you knew the talent
Laying dormant that you’ve not
Had time - explore,
But within I; I do not shout I belong
I do not shout for the crowd to sit
Amongst and talk in wonderful
Narrative and dialogue and once,
I spoke in tongues of only discord
For I can never find the unity I yearn for.
We are all artists,
Each and every-one perceives
The difference between us all
Not realising how close the DNA,
Except, except
Whereas many can find themselves
As rounds upon a board of squares,
I find the board itself, no matter
On whose intent they claim they know
Whom they are; muddled in confusion
As they are placed each upon one
Whole square,
And it’s not the failings of
Laying claim to castle or abode
Of perfect symmetry,
(Symmetry repeated just
To reaffirm their place),
The trouble with I within
My labyrinth of mind, is
That although I know the board
Well, I know the many pieces
The many moves and ways
And textures and brush strokes
Of each an individual;
It’s two dimensional philosophy!
And there I yearn upon the sky,
And looking up I recognise,
This board is not my place despite
The possibility of artist -
The canvas I could paint or the moves
Within a crowd of millions – I could make,
And there I know,
It’s in knowing one’s place and here
Before the canvas, before the plain
Old speech recorder or before
Obligatory moves about to be made,
I find myself a stranger in everybody’s eyes,
And though I could make the move,
Paint the canvas,
Record the speech,
Tickle the page with words
Lost and found,
I just know deep within myself;
None of it,
None of all conventions
We try determine as our place,
None of all the clichés of a clique
None of all they proclaim to know -
None of all this fallacy,
Is my home within this universe of space;
So I idle by like an engine ticking over
Before the place I know becomes
The greeting I have wanted,
And listening to the many
And adding my own cacophony of noise
I realize, that maybe,
We are all before the board,
Before the canvas and the page;-
Just the same, just the same,
Just the same, it’s just that,
The many seem to act
Better and with conviction,
Than the few who
Go desperately and quietly,
Michael J Waite 2nd January 2012.
<Deleted User> (6315)
Wed 4th Jan 2012 21:37
I find myself a stranger in everybody’s eyes,
love it..