1 Dis easy
When he him rung up dream by night
lightening remembs one under the skull mome.
Small yeared
Then scripscrap little kick scratchles in the attic
beded brough to the stairs in every way til
furshinned weary what with the shadows?
mustabeenfive or six taily muscles roving mus musculus
play the Jacobsons Organ
overpure preputial
vomeronasally interuptured clung footed
when he him struck down the skip
musculus with minis takes a chewpeak ankle
then goodbye with a stick to him and the rest
hello to skin never seen againend
to them
"knock knock"
Doc nodds watch to clocks off then gone
he him leaves in slippers for the clinic.
psst....sore throat vomit sickling gurgles of evening basins.
hurt more
sensedeformed temporare paralysis but winning
stupor recover welcome to hate
musculus and fur of plague
And then tomorrow.
Anthony Emmerson
Mon 6th Feb 2012 17:54
Liked this Kealan, it's clever. Reminds me of Anthony Burgess - "A Clockwork Orange" and David Mitchell - "Cloud Atlas" with its inventive use of language. Good to read something different.