An Inside Story
I'd never read a book out of choice. Just
At school when I bothered to attend. I
Went in the school library to chat up
The librarian and torment the swots,
While looking up dirty words in the big
I never bothered with
Libraries until I was a guest of
Her Majesty. A quiet place to sit
And think, breaking up the tedium of
A long stretch, as stir is a state of mind.
With time on my hands, I started to read
To alleviate the mind-numbing grind.
Magic was to be found in those pages.
My mind opened by the power of words.
New vistas. Endless possibilities.
Transporting me from those stark walls. Away
From the stench of that humanity; the
Neanderthal grunting and sexual
And violent threats of thugs and nonces.
Away from the tedious routine of
Lights out. Pissing in buckets. Slopping out.
Day after day after day after day.
The realisation that blagging with
Shooters is just a mug's game, worth at least
A ten stretch for starters.
It is no life
To be looking over your shoulder for
Some shiv-wielding upstart looking to make
A name for himself.
I can now see that
Violence only breeds more of the same,
Becoming a never-ending cycle.
So I rose above all that, equipping
Myself for loftier enterprises.
<Deleted User> (10062)
Sat 18th Feb 2012 11:27
This is absolutely brilliant. Really, I'm jealous of your writing abilities