I'm having a bad day
You know what I mean
So, I'm gonna sit down, relax
And turn on my screen.
I'll talk to all my friends
Tell them about my day
They help when I'm down
And make my troubles fade away,
They're always there for me
Whenever I feel blue
Though we've never met before
I know their frienships true,
We haven't been friends long
But in this short time it seems
We've shared so many things
Our hopes, our fears, our dreams,
We come from different lives
But we have a common bond
Now I'd like to say to all of you
I've grown so very fond,
I can say i'ts great to be here
With every single one of you,
I will take this opportunity
To my friends I say , thank you...
© Hazel 2011
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Tue 21st Feb 2012 12:07
A great subject to highlight, and very true. Meeting s cyber friend in person becomes a major event. I have never been disappointed. 'friend' almost needs a new definition in this century.