My Next Poem...
This poem is not technically speaking my next poem.
However, it would have been-
if you had seen me writing my last poem,
you see my next poem will be the one I write after this one-
if you sort of know what I mean?
But it won't be my next poem when I'm actually composing it,
it will then be my current poem,
of course this poem would then become my last poem.
No, not the last poem I ever compose or write-
just the last poem that was written by me - you see?
I do hope you will enjoy reading my next poem,
that is to say this poem-
you see that is what it is called -
'My Next Poem' is the title of the poem.
Well, any way I do hope you have not become totally confused-
about what a 'next poem' is, or indeed what it isn't?
Look, I'm awfully sorry because I have to go right now-
as I have to go and start my next poem.
It might help you to understand what I'm trying to say-
or at least trying to explain - quite plainly- in a plain way
if you can remember that Today was Tomorrow just Yesterday!
Thank You - OK?
From Graham's book - 'Observations On Life '- available from
tony sheridan
Wed 17th Oct 2012 15:21
Love this! Take care, Tony.