Inflicting thoughts
The worst thing known to men, rejection,
All seeking perfection, that’s found in the middle,
Of the garden Eden, its evil,
Lust, obsession, possession blinded by love,
Seeking, we are still seeking, the longing is killing.
Single drop, thirst quenching,
Second drop, lethal and hazardous,
In a blink of an eye comes death,
Still seeking and seeking, it’s a mission,
Thirst, Hunger, Lust and so forth,
We all get a taste of it, unsatisfied, begging for more,
Overdosed killed, salvation intervened, life given,
Once again, we live again, cheating death, the other side,
Today no quick fix, strangled myself,
Chance given, untreasured
I blew the treasure, still seeking
Time killed time, today and the following day,
Strangle myself? Suicide I thought, it crossed my mind
Being overpowered by thoughts and strange feelings
My weakness, still seeking.
Alert from the other side, its forbidden
The other side of the spectrum, warning
Conquered by thoughts, my weakness
Thoughts and feelings seemed like a death sentence
Cursed, by these overpowering feelings and thoughts
Weapon that brought me down was rejection,
The worst thing, known to human existence,
This is a battle; we are on the battle field,
We choose our own battles,
The presents determines the future,
I surrender.