The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Fly Has Sat On The Sweetest Jam (nonsense comp)

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There is no order here,

There is no any sense.

Can you make it clear?

Can you change a pence?


On a tin there sat a cat

It looked exactly like a rat

Poor little biggie rat

It has swallowed a cat.


Little cow wore a wig

And the ground it could dig,

Like a purple brown pig

Sat on thin and thickest twig.


In the farm and in the zoo

For a hat there’s no loo.

Piece of milk is good for two,

Jug of cake is healthy too.


On the west the sun arise,

For Japan it’s a surprise,

For Morocco rising sun

Turned to be a real fun.


Mice are crawling in the mire

To frighten a cat and look a dire.

Kids are growing in the garden,

Someone says: I beg your pardon!


Pike is  howling at the moon.

Wolf is swimming like a goon.

Piglets sharpen their swords,

Porgy dances on the boards.


Mighty hedgehog without a fear

Frightens a fox and even a bear.

Snakes are flying in the clouds,

Frogs are walking in the crowds.


Tigers eat for breakfast grass,

Camels eat for dinner glass.

Walruses are in the reeds,

Whales dream of mice and seeds.


If you go to the circus

You will see a magic focus,

But the tricks I’ve here described

By the fairy were told and bribed.


Fly has sat on the sweetest jam,

Here is the end of my short poem.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

20th March, 2012




◄ In A January Morning (nonsense comp)

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Tue 20th Mar 2012 20:07

Thank you, dear Nick.

<Deleted User> (10123)

Tue 20th Mar 2012 20:02

Delectable mixed up stuff. Well played Larisa, Ta much, Nick.

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